Colorado Springs Neighborhood Ratings

Colorado Springs has a lot of great neighborhoods with plenty to offer. The right neighborhood for you will depend on many factors such as commuting, access to goods and services, and whether or not you have children. If you are planning to move to, or within Colorado Springs, I recommend spending time in a variety of locales before you start your home search so you can get a true feel for an area. Researching different neighborhoods can also help narrow down your decision.
Two online resources,, a neighborhood comparison and review website, and, an online cultural data sharing site, have rated Colorado Spring’s main neighborhoods. While the lists are the same, the ranking was different for each, which reflects the diverse data and algorithms used by each. The bigger picture of comparing different ranking resources provides a more detailed look at each neighborhood.

AreaVibes lists livability rankings by neighborhoods using key categories of data. The categories covered include housing, employment, amenities, cost of living, education, crime rates, and the weather. Overall, Colorado Springs has a livability score of 74. Five area neighborhoods were rated higher due to different results within the categories tracked. Northgate is listed as the top neighborhood in Colorado Springs, with a score of 79, and is listed as the 8th best neighborhood in the state. Housing, Amenities, Crime and Employment categories were scored as A- to A+. What keeps this from being a 90+ livability score is the higher cost of living and pending school information for the education category.

AreaVibe has ranked Colorado Springs neighborhoods as follows:
  1. Northgate
  2. Northwest Colorado Springs
  3. Southwest Colorado Springs
  4. Old Colorado City
  5. Briargate
  6. West Colorado Springs
  7. Northeast Colorado Springs
  8. East Colorado Springs
  9. Central Colorado City
  10. Powers

HomeSnack takes a different approach to rating neighborhoods. Keeping their research to
neighborhoods with over 1,000 people, and using data from the Bureau of Labor, Census Bureau and local crime data, 5 categories were used. Low unemployment rates, low crime stats, high population rates, high home prices, and high income. Analyzing the data compiled, a Neighborhood Index was created to rate each area. In this listing, Southwest Colorado Springs was the top-rated neighborhood. With a population of over 8,500 residents, unemployment is at 2.8%, and home values average more than $500,000. The crime rate is really low as well, with approximately 1,160 crimes per 100,000 people being estimated. This is almost half as much as the 2014 national crime rate according to the FBI.

HomeSnack has ranked Colorado Springs neighborhoods as follows:
  1. Southwest Colorado Springs
  2. Old Colorado City
  3. Northgate
  4. Briargate
  5. Northwest Colorado Springs
  6. Central Colorado City
  7. East Colorado Springs
  8. Northeast Colorado Springs
  9. Powers
  10. West Colorado Springs

When it is time to buy a home, you want to find the neighborhood which is best for you. Doing some research beforehand can help make the decision easier. Connecting with a local Realtor® who knows Colorado Springs neighborhoods can make a big difference in how happy you are with the process, too. We at Springs LifeStyles Real Estate are here to help you with all your real estate needs! Call Kathy Stenberg at (719) 963-4867 or email her at You can also visit us at our website for available listings and additional information.

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